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2 Great Ways to Get Hands-On With EPiServer at Ascend ‘15

Chris Osterhout SVP of Strategy
#Digital Marketing, #Episerver
Published on October 29, 2015

If you're attending the EPiServer Ascend '15 conference, be sure to come to our hands-on lab sessions to learn how to engage your website's users!

Episerver Ascend 2015

We’ve been to a number of conferences over the years, both as presenters and attendees, and one thing that I’ve often found is that when speakers will talk about what can be done with a platform, they speak theoretically, leaving the specifics of how to make it happen up to partners and developers at some later date.

One thing we’re especially excited about at the upcoming EPiServer Ascend ’15 conference is that while we expect to hear a lot of talk about these high level ideas, there will also be a number of lab sessions in which people, including myself, will show how to actually execute on these initiatives with the EPiServer CMS. If you’re attending the conference, you’ll be able to sit down in front of a computer and get your hands dirty as you learn exactly what it takes to implement these functionalities in your digital strategy.

My two sessions in particular focus on real world examples of how to execute on marketing initiatives. Here’s what I’ll be talking about, and when:

Session 1: Practical Marketing Automation and the Web

5:10 PM, Monday, November 9

This lab will focus on personalizing the visitor experience on your website for every stage in a visitor’s lifecycle. We’ll be looking at how to use the information you know about your site visitors to personalize every stage of the customer journey, from anonymous visitors, to leads, to customers, and even how to retarget existing customers.

Session 2: Hands-On A/B Testing on EPiServer

1:00 PM, Tuesday, November 10

This session will focus primarily on the fact that “one size fits all” messaging just doesn’t resonate with the masses like it used to. Marketers have found that it is often difficult to qualify and adapt to the subjective decisions of site visitors solely using analytics. In this lab, we’ll demonstrate, through multiple methodologies, how to let site visitors tell you what they prefer and adapt your site’s content accordingly rather than deciding for them.

Find Us at Ascend!

We’re incredibly excited about everything that will be available to do and see at Ascend ’15, and even if you don’t attend one of these labs, we’re still interested in connecting with you. We’ll be at the conference all week, so if you have any questions for us or just want to say hi, please stop by our booth! If you’re interested in setting up a meeting with us during the conference, please contact us. We can’t wait to see you there!