What is company culture? We talk about how a company culture is formed and illustrate Diagram through an infographic.
Nap rooms, cafeterias, gym memberships and even laundry services are all perks that various companies offer to employees. Some offices, like HubSpot, even allow employees to bring their canine friends into the office too. But perks alone don’t create a company culture.
According to The Balance, “Employees tend to enjoy work when their needs and values are consistent with those in the workplace. Company culture is important to employees, because workers are more likely to enjoy their time in the workplace when they fit in with the culture.”
Company values, morals, habits, location, employees, service offerings and perks combined make up a company's culture or, as I like to refer to it, the company DNA. Take a look at the DNA of Diagram in the infographic below.
What makes your company a great place to work? We'd love to hear about it below!
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