JazzNet Receives WebAward for Intranet Standard of Excellence
Allison Casey Digital Marketing Director, Partner#Events

Jazz Aviation's JazzNet Intranet, developed by Diagram, has won a WebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Web Development.
Diagram and Jazz Aviation LP (Jazz) are proud to announce that the Web Marketing Association has honored the JazzNet Intranet with a 2014 WebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Web Development. WMA recognized JazzNet with an Intranet Standard of Excellence award.
Allison Casey, Diagram's Director of Digital Marketing, said, “The Diagram team is thrilled that JazzNet has been recognized as an industry leading Intranet. With approximately 5,000 Jazz Aviation employees using the Intranet, our team was challenged to create a dynamic, informative site that supported the company's goals. We were able to leverage the Ektron CMS platform and our close partnership with the amazing team at Jazz to create this award winning solution.”
“Putting our trust in the expertise and experience of the Diagram team was the right decision,” said Krista MacDonald, Manager, Business Services Portfolio at Jazz. “We have employees in over 50 locations across Canada performing diverse job functions, including pilots, flight attendants, aircraft maintenance engineers, customer service agents, administrative personnel, and more. Creating a site that met the needs of so many groups was overwhelming to consider. Our hard work has certainly paid off and we’re thrilled to receive this award.”
JazzNet supports over 5,000 users - from Jazz employees to contractors to regulators - and has become the key vehicle for company information and the portal to applications for every department throughout Jazz. Diagram's development team implemented the Ektron CMS to realize these goals, and they also provided enhancements including responsive web design to deliver content to mobile devices, content personalization, Outlook Web Access integration, and enhanced Search features to help employees find the tools they need to do their jobs.
Since 1997, the Web Marketing Association's annual WebAward Competition has been setting the standard of excellence for Website development. Independent expert judges from around the world review sites in 96 industries. The best are recognized with a WebAward which helps interactive professionals promote themselves, their companies, and their best work to the outside world. The WebAward Competition is the premier award recognition program for Web developers and marketers worldwide.
Jazz Aviation LP has a strong history in Canadian aviation with its roots going back to the 1930s. As the largest regional carrier in Canada, Jazz has a proven track record of industry leadership and exceptional customer service, and has leveraged that strength to deliver value to all its stakeholders. The Company operates more flights and flies to more Canadian destinations than any other airline.
Diagram is a creative web technology agency. Since 1995, we've been building our expertise in CMS integration, e-commerce, responsive design, user experience, hosting, and digital marketing.
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