Episerver Ascend 2018 Conference Recap
Allison Casey Digital Marketing Director, Partner#Industry Insights, #Episerver, #Events

Episerver’s Ascend 2018 conference has come to a close and the 600+ attendees have returned back to their organizations inspired by the product roadmap, ready to implement what they have learned, and are taking another look at what “happiness” means in their life.
Episerver’s Ascend 2018 conference has come to a close and the 600+ attendees have returned back to their organizations inspired by the product roadmap, ready to implement what they have learned, and are taking another look at what “happiness” means in their life (courtesy of a fast-paced, but intriguing keynote talk by Shawn Achor).
Diagram was a sponsor at the conference and our team took full advantage of learning from the sessions along with greeting clients and attendees at our booth.
Our VP of Business Strategy, Chris Osterhout presented a timely topic “How Not to Screw Up your Episerver Migration.” Ektron customers are making decisions on whether to stay on Ektron or move to Episerver and Chris’s knowledge and guidance provided a roadmap on the process of migrating and key considerations to make the project a success.
Of course, the conference wouldn’t be complete without an epic last-night party at the Marquee Nightclub in the Cosmopolitan Hotel. It was a chance to let loose, continue great conversations from the previous few days, imbibe in a few cocktails and dance.

The Diagram Team Takeaways
My big takeway was better understanding how the Episerver platform extends beyond just being a CMS. It provides breadth of marketing-focused products that allow the digital marketer more capabilities than ever before. I spent a lot of time learning about the features (both current and planned) of products such as Insights, Campaign and Advance. I’m excited to see how these products develop over time and how I can help our current clients take full advantage of them to help serve up personalized content.
If you are an Ektron or Episerver customer, we highly recommend you make plans now to attend Ascend 2019. Episerver has not yet released details, but let us know if the comments below if you’d like us to give you details when it’s announced.
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