3 Reasons We’re Excited About the EPiServer Roadshow
Chris Osterhout SVP of Strategy#Episerver-Ektron Merger, #Episerver, #Ektron, #Events

We'll be at the EPiServer Roadshow event in Chicago on April 21, 2015, and here are some reasons why we're looking forward to it.
Getting Everyone on the Same Page
As a partner for both EPiServer and Ektron, we receive a fair amount of information regarding the merger and product roadmap before the general public does. While we work to convey this information to the site owners who use these platforms, there can be a delay between when EPiServer makes an announcement and when we are able to communicate this information to our customers and convey any questions they might have back to EPiServer. For this reason, we are extremely excited to share in the experience, side-by-side, with the customers as EPiServer unveils their product roadmap. Having everyone together in person as these announcements are made will allow us to directly communicate with both EPiServer and our customers to make sure everyone’s questions are answered.
Meeting Users
We’re excited for the chance to chat with existing platform customers (specifically Ektron users), to understand how they feel the merger is effecting their near term and long term digital strategies. As we have previously discussed, many Ektron customers are wondering how they should proceed with their plans for this year, assuming they will need to migrate to the converged EPiServer product sooner rather than later. This roadshow will offer Ektron users the opportunity to discuss these strategies in person with not only Diagram but also members of the EPiServer executive team.
Face Time
While we have met many EPiServer team members and have shared phone conversations with members of their Executive Team, we have not met everyone in person. This event will offer the opportunity to do just that. Putting names to faces is extremely valuable, allowing us to work more effectively with EPiServer’s team and provide the best services for our customers.
The EPiServer Chicago Roadshow is next Tuesday, April 21st, starting at 2pm CST. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/episerver-customer-and-partner-roadshow-chicago-tickets-15803533795 We hope to see you there!
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