2 Ways HubSpot’s Marketing Automation Can Benefit Your Sales Team
Chris Osterhout SVP of Strategy#Digital Marketing, #Inbound Marketing

Learn how the data and tools provided by HubSpot's Marketing Automation can benefit your sales team as well as your marketing department.
We’ve talked in the past about how the different integrated systems that companies use to manage different aspects of their digital strategy can lead to data silos. When this happens, the information gathered and stored in these different services becomes isolated, which makes it difficult for different departments to work together to meet the company’s goals. A Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) like HubSpot can eliminate the gaps between these systems, establishing a unified company strategy that makes the most of your business intelligence.
Since HubSpot’s Marketing Automation focuses on marketing data, its benefits might not be readily apparent to other departments, but it’s important to understand that this data not only drives marketing efforts, it can also be seamlessly funneled to your sales team for use within your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform.
The value that this data can provide to your sales team is significant; imagine if everything your marketing team does when communicating with leads and customers, and every action that those leads and customers take as a result, could be summed up and shared with inside and outside sales teams in real time. That is the real power of marketing automation.
Let’s look at two examples of how sharing this marketing data with your sales department can change your day to day sales operations:
1. Understand what people want
HubSpot tracks users from the time they first access your site as an anonymous visitor through to when they become a customer. By monitoring which pages they visit, what content they download, and how they interact with your site and your marketing department, you can learn what campaigns they are responding to, what information they are interested in, and which problems they are looking to solve. With this information, when a member of the sales team is getting ready to call them, you can know exactly what information is interesting to them and let them know how your products and/or services can meet their needs. The information gathered through marketing automation provides a context for this conversation, helping make the sales team more efficient and ensuring that by understanding what they want, you aren’t wasting their time.

2. Provide a next step
When your sales team is communicating with a lead or customer, they often have questions about specific products or services that you offer. While you can provide them with verbal information or send them an email or document, you might not have a next step readily available for them to take. However, your marketing team should be able to fit them into a campaign that will provide them with the information they are looking for, and if HubSpot is integrated with your CRM, you can even subscribe the customer to the mailing list or workflow that is relevant to them. This allows you to make sure the customer is getting the information they need without having to pass them around from department to department in hopes that somebody can help them.

Share, Collaborate, Streamline
These examples offer only a glimpse of the benefits that Marketing Automation can provide across your entire organization. By uniting the data from different systems and different departments, you can create efficient collaboration, streamline communications between employees, and provide the best experience for your customers. This will ultimately provide the best ROI for your website, the different tools you utilize across your company, and your online strategy as a whole.
Do you have any questions about how you can use HubSpot’s Marketing Automation tools to create this streamlined, collaborative environment in your company? Do you want to know more about how to implement HubSpot and integrate it with your other systems? Please contact us to speak to a Marketing Specialist, or feel free to leave a comment below.
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