Hosting options have greatly expanded since the advent of the Cloud. Understand the possibilities will help your organization make the best decisions regarding your hosting environment.
While cloud computing has been around for quite some time now, discussion of "The Cloud" has only become prominent in the past few years. The reason the cloud is so important right now is because of the maturity level it has reached. Due to the increased speed and reliability of internet connectivity and the leap in available storage and processing capacity, cloud-based hosting can now be catered to each company's needs. The cloud can be large or small, it can be a private cloud, it can host a company's website, or it can host a company's entire IT presence. The sky's the limit when it comes to the possibilities of the cloud.
Scalable and Flexible
The flexibility of the cloud can be daunting, but that is where the real beauty of the concept lies. When hosting information in the cloud, the capacity can be altered at any time. As a company grows and develops, they can expand their cloud coverage or scale it back down, if necessary. Making these adjustments on the cloud is significantly easier than having to wait for more physical equipment to expand or pay for equipment that is no longer needed. A hosting company can help to recognize the best option for each business by monitoring their needs. The scalability of the cloud can be tailored to a company's specific needs, creating greater efficiency in the workplace.
With the cloud, a company can access their necessary tools for success from anywhere in the world that has internet access. As fantastical as it once seemed, you can now keep your business on track from the airport, the beach, or the comfort of your own home. When your company is backed by the cloud, this dream becomes a reality. You can take care of the work that matters to you and leave the upkeep to the experts. Hosting on the cloud leaves the updates, maintenance, and environment quality assurance to your hosting company.
Consider the past: when the cloud first became available, many companies didn't see the benefit, and understandably so. The internet was slow, and accessing cloud content was a struggle. Times have changed since then, and now many daily applications, such as Dropbox and Salesforce, already use cloud services with great success due to this maturity in the internet and cloud capabilities. In fact, most people regularly use cloud-based services without even realizing it. The cloud allows a company to rely on the technology they need to be successful on a daily basis.
Partnership is Key
One of the many great things about the cloud is the way it becomes invisible when it works properly, which may be the reason why many people do not know much about the cloud. This demonstrates the importance of a good partner who can provide reliable hosting over the cloud, ensuring that the site is running efficiently at all times. Much like a home with a great foundation, the cloud-based environment upon which the website is built goes unseen, but it is an essential part of the site. Without this silent foundation, even the best-designed site will be unreliable and inefficient, and even minor problems can lead to very expensive repairs.
We're in an exciting time on the web, due to the opportunities and capabilities that the cloud can provide. Working with a hosting provider like WSOL can allow a company to focus on their own business and leave the maintenance of their site up to us, and the cloud makes this easier than ever. Let's continue the conversation about cloud hosting! Please contact us for more information, and we will be happy to work with you to help you take full advantage of the available options in the cloud.
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