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Using Mobile Devices in Video Production Workflows

Written by Doug Miller | Nov 18, 2015

So far we’ve had 3 awesome guests with some great advice about a number of topics join us for our weekly discussion on BLAB about adding video to your content marketing strategy (#OMGVMS.) We’ve got another great guest lined up for this week on Thursday at 11:30am CST, this time to focus on an aspect of video that wouldn’t have really been much of an option even a few years ago: mobile devices.

This topic came up as far back as our first episode about video testimonials, and it surfaced again in our discussion last week about production value.

Is it ok to use a mobile device as a camera to make a video that can be a part of your inbound marketing strategy? Quite possibly, depending on a few factors, including your industry and the expectation of your community regarding the content.

As a result, this week, we’re going to chat with somebody about what it looks like to use mobile devices to accomplish some of our goals for adding video content to our inbound marketing efforts. Josh Tsui has had quite an interesting career that runs a spectrum that includes video game design, mobile app development, video production and more.

I chose to speak about this topic specifically because of his experience working with mobile video by way of the iPhone app he was involved with, and also because of his experience using mobile environments to make video content for himself and others.

We'll talk about mobile video production gear, some tips and tricks, and discover some of the lessons Josh has learned in his experience using mobile devices in a video production workflow.

Got specific questions you'd like to ask? Tweet us using #OMGVMS. Even better? Join us on the day of our BLAB!

You can join/watch the chat below: